Industry Focus

Home Service

We help you keep your financial home in good shape

An emerging industry for us, we’d love to simplify your bookkeeping.

We are looking to actively expand our customer base in the franchise Home Service industry, and our range of customers confirms that our automated platform delivers the best financials, most affordably, and with the least hassle for our owners.

Bookkeeping is a different kind of dirty job.

Let us do it for you.

Franchisor Chart-of-Accounts

Having worked with so many Home Service concepts, we know how important it is to get the COA right. Not only are we experts at this, our automation ensures a consistent categorization of expenses, revenue, and labor line items.

Comparative Metrics

With Ceterus’ Benchmarking reports, franchisees in a concept for which Ceterus has a meaningful number of other customers/locations can compare their own performance anonymously with their peers.

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